Field | Type | Description |
String | your email | |
password | String | your password |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Login success | {token : string} The token has no expiration date (deleted is you call the logout function) |
401 | Login failure |
{'error':'User account not active.'}
{'error':'Unable to login with provided credentials.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Description |
none |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Logout success | {'success':'User logged out.'} |
401 | Invalid token | {'detail':'Invalid token.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Description |
None |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Account information : email / address / voices (name,gender, language,locale) / credit ... | Json string |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Description |
first_name | String | Your first name |
last_name | String | Your last name |
address | String | Your address |
company | String | Your company |
country | String | Your country (must match one of the values return by /api/coutnry) |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Account information (email/address/voices/credit ...) | Json string |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Value - Description |
voice | String | Alice22_HQ - voice name (voice list returned in your account info) |
text | String | Text to speak Warning : With the GET method text is limited to 2048 characters |
output | String | stream (default / start speaking faster)
return the audio samples by chunks or mixed audio/events if events are set to on (see events chapter below) text length limited to maximum 3000 characters for this mode file : return the audio file content when all is generated or a zip file if events are set to on : audio + events (words / visemes / markers) events : return a json file only with the events (words / visemes) |
type | String | Audio type
Values : "mp3" (default) / "ogg" / "wav" / "flac" / "ac3" / "asf" / "wma" / "opus" / "aac" "aiff" / "webm" / "mka" / "s16le" / "alaw" / "mulaw" / "wav_mulaw" / "wav_alaw": |
wordpos | String | Get word positions (json file)
Values : "on" / "off" (default) |
mouthpos | String | Get mouth positions (json file)
Values : "on" / "off" (default) |
markpos | String | Get mark text tags positions (json file)
Values : "on" / "off" (default) |
speed | Int | Voice speed
Values : 30 to 300 (default 100) |
shaping | Int | Voice Shaping
Values : 50 to 150 (default 100) |
volume | Int | Voice volume
Values : 50 to 65535 (default 32768) |
samplerate | Int | Audio sample rate in Hz
Values : 8000 / 11025 / 12000 / 16000 / 22050 / 24000 / 32000 / 44100 / 48000 (default 22050) Note : Opus codec only supports 48000 |
bitrate | Int | Audio birate in kbps (mp3/ogg/ac3/asf/wma/opus)
Possible values : 24 / 32 / 40 / 48 / 56 / 64 / 80 / 96 / 112 / 128 / 144 / 160 / 192 / 224 / 240 / 256 / 320 Default and supported values depend on the codec and the samplerate |
dico | String | TTS Dictionary
Value : Dictionary name. File extension must be .dic Multiple dictionaries must be separated by a comma (e.g dico=dico1.dic,dico2.dic) If several dictionaries are loaded and contain a same word/entry, the last loaded dictionary has the priority |
application | String | Application name/id
Value : Application name If you use multiple applications on a same account and need to have statistics for each application (see FAQ) |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | TTS generation success | Audio chunks (stream) Audio file content (storage with no position file) Zip file content (storage with position file) |
403 | Not logged | {'error':'You must be logged.'} |
400 | Not enough credit | {'error':'Not enough credit.'} |
400 | Incorrect or not allowed voice | {'error':'Voice not allowed.'} |
400 | Incorrect parameter (value) | {'error':'Invalid parameter or parameter value.'} |
401 | Invalid token | {'detail':'Invalid token.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Description | Value |
type | String | voice : voice usage statisitics command : command usage statisitics credit : credit usage statisitics billing : billing based on credit usage and price per hour purchase : online payments history (standalone account) |
interval (optional) | String | day : statisitics cumulated day by day month : statisitics cumulated month by month year : statisitics cumulated year by year |
option (optional) | String | application : statisitics by application name |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Statistic informaton | Json string |
400 | Not logged | {'error':'You must be logged.'} |
401 | Invalid token | {'detail':'Invalid token.'} |
400 | Field type missing | {'error':'Type field missing.'} |
400 | Invalid type | {'error':'Invalid type.'} |
400 | Invalid interval | {'error':'Invalid interval.'} |
401 | Login failure |
{'error':'User account not active.'}
{'error':'Unable to stats with provided credentials.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Value | Description | Response |
password | String | your new password |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Password changed | {'success':'Password changed.'} |
401 | Invalid token | {'detail':'Invalid token.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
String | your account email |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Password reset email sent | {'success':'Reset password email sent. Please check your inbox.'} |
400 | Invalid email | {'error':'Invalid email.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Description |
Content-type | String | multipart/form-data |
Content-Disposition | String | 'attachment;' |
Field | Type | Description |
file | String | File path to upload |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | File uplaoded | {"success":"File uploaded."} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Description |
None |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | List of files stored in the account folder | Json string |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Value | Description | Response |
Content-type | String | application/json |
Field | Type | Description |
file | String | Filename to delete |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | File deleted | {'success':'File deleted.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Value - Description |
none |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Terms of Service text | {'raw': '...', 'html : '...'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
Field | Type | Description |
token | String | Token returned by the login function 'Authorization': 'Token ' + token |
Field | Type | Value - Description |
answer | String | yes / no |
Value | Description | Response |
200 | Terms of Service accepted | {'success':'Terms of usage accepted. You can now use the service'} |
200 | Terms of Service rejected | {'success':'You didn't accept the Terms of Usage. You cannot use the service.'} |
403 | Not logged | {'error':'You must be logged.'} |
401 | Invalid token | {'detail':'Invalid token.'} |
400 | Error | {'error':'Error description'} |
{ "EventKind": "Word", "ID": 5, "SamplePosition": 10006, "Time": 0.453786, "Flags": "TTS_Word", "WordOffset": 6, "WordSize": 3, "Word": "how" }, { "EventKind": "Phoneme", "ID": 5, "SamplePosition": 10006, "Time": "0.453786", "Flags": "TTS_Word", "Duration": 59, "Mouth": { "bMouthHeight": 48, "bMouthWidth": 64, "bMouthUpturn": 128, "bJawOpen": 16, "bTeethUpperVisible": 16, "bTeethLowerVisible": 16, "bTonguePosn": 48, "bLipTension": 0 }, "Viseme": 12 },
SamplePosition Word position in samples Time Word position in seconds WordOffset Word position in bytes WordSize Word size in bytes
Viseme : The viseme code based on the disney list SVP_0 = 0 'silence SVP_1 = 1 'ae ax ah SVP_2 = 2 'aa SVP_3 = 3 'ao SVP_4 = 4 'ey eh uh SVP_5 = 5 'er SVP_6 = 6 'y iy ih ix SVP_7 = 7 'w uw SVP_8 = 8 'ow SVP_9 = 9 'aw SVP_10 = 10 'oy SVP_11 = 11 'ay SVP_12 = 12 'h SVP_13 = 13 'r SVP_14 = 14 'l SVP_15 = 15 's z SVP_16 = 16 'sh ch jh zh SVP_17 = 17 'th dh SVP_18 = 18 'f v SVP_19 = 19 'd t n SVP_20 = 20 'k g ng SVP_21 = 21 'p b m SamplePosition Phoneme position in samples Time Phoneme position in seconds
When using stream output with events enabled, you will receive data chunks that will contain events and/or audio buffers A buffer is received as follow : type:size\ncontent - type can be either audio or events - size gives the number of byte the buffer will contain So basically what you have to do is read incoming chunks byte per byte until you detect either "audio:" or "events:" Then you read the buffer length until you find the \n marker And finally you read the buffer content Note that a buffer might be contained in several chunks